Flash Fiction

  • Flash Fiction

    Case Closed

    A flash fiction writing post composed for November, from the prompt “The Encounter” and the photo above. Case Closed The tube train jolted as it rattled around a bend, business men and women who stood, swayed like seaweed on a…

  • Flash Fiction

    Oh, God.

      Following on from Dylan Thomas’s birthday on 14th May, below is a piece of Flash Poesy (in Thomas motif) starting with the first line of his Fern Hill poem “Now as I was young and…”. As seen here… http://scribblers.freeforums.net/thread/498/flash-poesy-31   Oh,…

  • Flash Fiction


    A flash fiction writing post composed for December, from the prompt “Jump”. Spoiler: Contains profanity! Just so you know. Wings School. Teaching, it’s just not for me. Uniforms and rules: no room to manoeuvre, no creativity, no individualism. No understanding.…